Glen or Glenda (1953)

I thought I’d start this blog off with a tiny teeny bit of class (which will disintegrate quickly, trust me), and look at a classic. Quite possibly the best worst film ever made.

Director/writer: Edward D. Wood Jr.

Stars: Edward D. Wood Jr., Bela Lugosi, Dolores Fuller, Lyle Talbot, Timothy Farrell

There is no way to introduce this film and do it justice. Let me first say that yes, it is a terrible film. the directing is all over the shop, and if it didn’t have such an awesome storyline, it would be unwatchable.

For those who don’t know, Glen or Glenda is the extremely autobiographical film from the notorious Ed Wood. It basically sets out in simple terms the differences between transvestites and transgender people, and why they are not ill, but normal people like everyone else.

Made in 1953, Wood wished to make this like a medical instructional film. Obviously, no one would fund it. He added some bizarre sexually charged dream scenes, and bam! Suddenly there was a market for it in the sensationalist B-movie field.

Every film buff must watch this film. The bad acting is second to none, the directing is so schizophrenic it can be vomit inducing, and Bela Lugosi’s cameo really must be seen to be believed.

However, underneath the B-grade hilarity is a film with a real heart. You can see Wood’s determination to make the audience understand these people as completely normal, and not sick or perverted, as public belief at the time suggested. You really feel his personal story come through strongly, and believe it or not, it’s touching.

Until it goes back into one of the messed up dream scenes.

Further viewing: Ed Wood (Tim Burton 1994), Plan 9 from Outer Space (Edward D. Wood Jr. 1959)

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